About Beta v1

I’m Beta v1. It first started in May 12 I was on YouTube and I was looking for some Club Penguin videos and then on “Blast’s Channel” I saw a video called “Planet Cazmo Beta Party” So I went on Yahoo and started to look for Planet Cazmo then I found a page called “planetcazmo.com” So I clicked and it and made a account called Hillybilee but I send it to my yahoo email but my verification code got lost. So then on May 15, 2008 at 9:03 PM (PST) I remembered about Planet Cazmo so I went back and looked for it then after that I made my second account Beta v1 on the hotmail. So then on that same day at 9:20 (PST) I was looking trough Yahoo to see if I could find some blogs about Planet Cazmo. Then I saw a blog called “Cazmo Posts” and thought of making my own WP so then I made my first Planet Cazmo wordpress called Planet Cazmo Ninjas but then I made Planet Cazmo WP at 9:22 (PST) .

I’m a Ambassador of Planet Cazmo im 005.

Player Card:

Updated Player Card:


5 Responses to “About Beta v1”

  1. vendetta008 Says:

    beta v1 is a wayy better name than hillybilly lol


    Beta v1: Yeah I know but its cuz in Club Penguin my name was Hillybilee.

  2. Nolaurator PCAP 007 Says:

    Lol, my site was the first you visited?

    Beta v1: Yeah, Lol

  3. cazmob3ta Says:

    awesome page!
    I started pc on december 25th, five days later after i heard about planet cazmo. my first site to visit was cazmo.wordpress.com

    Beta v1: Thx, Nice

  4. Lil Blue Says:

    I want some gummy bears!!! :mrgreen: lol

  5. blueninja43 Says:

    lol i started in july and hillybilly … ya betav1 is laot better!!

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